Customs Information

Customs Information

Most countries are happy to welcome tourists into their country. Be sure to have the correct documents prepared.
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Having the help of an expert travel agent can help you avoid unnecessary setbacks or fees during travel. Let us help you prepare the right way by accounting for customs here and abroad.

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Experts in International Travel

Travelling within the United States is easy enough for citizens, but there are laws and regulations here and abroad that regulate international travel.

 At Elle Affair Travel, we can assist you with getting all of your travel paperwork and information in order to ensure that your trip is successful. We specialize in understanding and remaining up to date with travel policies from every destination.



All citizens looking to travel abroad are required to have a United States travel visa. That visa must not expire within six months of your plans to enter a foreign location. It's also advisable, but mandatory, to have a copy of your passport information for your protection.

This allows foreign customs to stamp your passport upon date of entry, effectively documenting how long you will be allowed to stay within their borders. Your passport will also identify you as a citizen to United States customs upon your return to the country.

You should also have your flight and hotel itinerary on hand as customs agents may request to know where you will be staying and when you will be leaving. Certain countries may be more or less strict with visitors, so it's best to be prepared at all times. In summary, you should have:


  1. Your Passport
  2. Flight & Hotel Itinerary
  3. Copies of the above in case of emergency


The other thing you'll need to account for is the purchase and transport of goods over borders. Duties are imposed to control the flow of goods in and out of the country, and may also have their own taxation rules. Goods purchased during your stay outside of the country may be eligible for duties paid if you spend beyond a certain financial threshold. 


Duties may also be imposed on certain goods, and other goods may be restricted entirely. The only way to avoid paying duties is to purchase goods from a duty-free shop. This means that the duty fees are imposed at the time of purchase, and you'll need to provide proof of purchase and payment to customs upon your return.

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